Transcarpathian academy of arts

Закарпатська академія мистецтв створена Наказом Міністерства ос­ві­­ти і на­уки України від 13 квітня 2016 р. № 424 шляхом перейменування За­кар­пат­ського художнього інституту зі зміною типу навчального закладу, враховуючи звер­нення до міністерства самого інституту,  а також клопотання Закарпатської ОДА за підписом Г. Г. Москаля та депутатів Верховної Ради В. В. Лунченка і Л. М. Гриневич.



проф. Іван Іванович Небесник 

ректор Закарпатської

академії мистецтв




У на­вчаль­ній діяльності за­клад працює: галузь знань 02 "Культура і мис­те­цтво" за спеціальностями: 022 «Дизайн» (за видами: графічний дизайн, дизайн інтер’єру, дизайн середовища, сучасні інформаційні технології та веб-дизайн), 023 «Образотворче мис­те­цтво, декоративне мис­те­цтво, реставрація» (за видами: живопис, графіка, художня кераміка, художня обробка металу, художня обробка дерева, реставрація) 

Структурні підрозділи 

Коледж  мистецтв ім. А.Ерделі Закарпатської академії мистецтв, де здійснюють підготовку молодшого спеціаліста за відповідними спеціальностями.
Адреса: вул. Минайська 38/80, м. Ужгород, Закарпатська область, 88015.
Тел.: (0312)66-37-37, 66-34-73

Факс: (0312)66-32-90.

Матеріально-технічна база:

Навчальні корпуси в Ужгороді та в Мукачеві, гуртожиток в Ужгороді, бібліотека, майстерні, комп’ютерні класи, мережа Інтернет, кабінети рисунку, живопису та композиції, спортивний зал.



Загальна кількість студентів:

525 осіб



Historical background on Transcarpathian art education.

The first art school in Transcarpathia was founded in March 1946 under the name Uzhhorod State Art and Industrial College, headed by Adalbert Mikhailovich Erdeli. Outstanding artists - Joseph Boksai, Fedir Manailo, Andrii Kotska, Adalbert Boretskyi, Ernest Kontratovych, Ivan Garapko, Vasyl Svyda were involved in teaching at the departments of painting and woodcarving. Later, the teachers of the school were Wilhelm Berets, Sandor Petki, Viсtor Demidiuk and many others. Among the graduates of the school were such well-known artists such as Volodymyr Mykyta, Yurii Hertz, Ivan Shutev, Pavlo Bedzir, Edita and Mykola Medvetskyi, Ivan Ilko, Ferents Seman, Anton Shepa, Elizaveta Kremnytska.

In December 1965 the educational institution was subordinated to the Ministry of Local Industry of the USSR under the name of Uzhgorod School of Applied Arts. The school had artistic ceramics, woodworking, metalworking departments and the artwork department  with some break . The traditions of the founders of art education were continued by new generations of teachers-graduates of the school and art institutes of the Soviet Union - Liudmyla Averkiyeva, Attila Dunchak, Josyp Pal, Ivan Manailo, Mykola MedvetskIi, Pavlo Balla, Edita Medniecki, Ivan Masniuk, Vasyl Petretskyi.

With the beginning of the democratization of social life in the Soviet Union, the staff of the school under the leadership of Ivan Nebesnyk began in 1990 to change the educational process toward strengthening the academic component in the overall content of education and to open new specialties. The pedagogical team was looking for ways of returning to this atmosphere, which prevailed in the institution in the time of A. Erdelyi and J. Bokshai, the painting and design departments opened. In 1995, with the permission of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the school was renamed into Uzhgorod College of Arts. A. Erdeli with the right of bachelors‘ preparation.

In order to fulfill A. Erdeli‘s dream of a higher education institution, as well as to preserve the traditions of the Transcarpathian artistic school, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 361-r of June 15, 2003 established the Transcarpathian Art Institute and appointed Ivan Nebesnyk as its first rector. 

This college became the part of a structure called College of Arts named after A. Erdeli of  Transcarpathian Art Institute.

The rector was invited to the teaching activities of the leading artists of Transcarpathia, including Viacheslav Prykhodko, Vasyl Skakandii, Lyudmila Korzh-Radko, Odarka Dolgosh-Sopko, Borys Kuzma and others. The establishment of the institute was aided and abetted by eminent Ukrainian artists Emmanuel Mysko, Andrii Chebykin, Andrii Bokotey, Volodymyr Mykyta, Volodymyr Chepelyk. In June 2009, the first graduation of the fifth year of the institute took place, defending the level of specialist in the fields of fine arts, decorative arts and design.

According to the decision of the State Administration Commission of Ukraine, these specialties are accredited at the third level. The Institute staff carried out active educational and scientific activities in order to reach the IV level of accreditation. And on April 13, 2016, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine under No. 424, the Transcarpathian Academy of Arts was created by renaming the Transcarpathian Art Institute with the change of type of educational institution, taking into account the application to the ministry. the institute itself, as well as the petition of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration signed by G.G. Moskal and Verkhovna Rada deputies V. V. Lunchenko and L.M. Grynevych.




88015, Закарпатська область, м. Ужгород,

адреса юридична –  вул. Минайська 38/80, 

адреса ректорату –  вул. А.Волошина, 37

тел. (0312) 61-30-33 – приймальна,
        (0312) 61-63-21 – деканат,
        (0312) 61-61-28 – проректор з навчально
-методичної роботи,
        (0312) 61-62-16 – проректор з 
науково-педагогічної роботи
